The transmitter button colour determines the frequency. Check the
receiver is compatible before attempting to programme either. If the
transmitter you have has buttons down the side and has a green light, they
are older models but still compatible. If the transmitter has a red light
and a green belt clip, it is a BIM type that is not compatible with the TOP series.
Please Note: Each remote control system manufacturer uses a unique security code protocol,
therefore the above transmitters can only be used with the specific make &
model of equipment for which they were intended and will not be compatible with any
other make of remote control system even if the radio frequency is the same
30.9MHz - Green buttons TR301, TR302, TR304 receivers, AF30 frequency heads
26.9MHz - Blue buttons TR261, TR262, TR264 receivers, AF26 frequency heads
TOP transmitters send a 12 bit code made up from a
10 bit site code plus a 2 bit channel code. This gives 4096 combinations.
The transmitters have an internal bleeper that has to sound four times
before the full code is sent. Programmable receivers treat the channel code
as an extension of the site code. Transmitters are supplied with a CAME
default code [0101010101] so that the system can be commissioned. It
is recommended you set a random site code for new installations.
Receiver channels
The outputs on the single and dual channel receivers can be selected by
jumper link to respond to any of
the four transmit channels. The four channel receiver has a separate output
for each channel. Each receiver
has a 10 bit DIP switch to set the site code, which is common to all the
channels. Programmable receivers
treat the channel code as an extension of the site code.
Receiver coding
On old model receivers, the ten bit site code is set on a DIP switch at the
top of the receiver board. You will
need to read the site code from the receiver DIP switches and make a note of
the sequence. The switches are marked OFF and ON. When
writing this down 0 is OFF, and 1 is ON.
From 1998, the old plug in receivers were replaced by a radio receiver
head (AF26 or AF30) and decoder
board (RBI-1 or RBI-2). New control boards have the programmable
decoder incorporated (ZA3, ZA4, ZA5,
ZL19, ZL37, ZL54). It is not possible to read the code from a programmable
decoder. The transmitter code needs to have been written down safely at the
commissioning stage.
Transmitter buttons
The T262M and T302M are two button transmitters whose transmit channels
can be selected by programming jumpers. Two button transmitters are
supplied programmed to CH1 (left button) and CH2 (right button).
T264M & T304M are four button versions: CH1 top left, CH2 top right, CH3
bottom left, CH4 bottom right.
Transmitter programming
CHANNEL METHOD. Open the battery compartment and hold with the battery towards
you. Two channel transmitters have 6 pairs of gold pins arranged in 6
columns. Columns are numbered from right to left. Channel setting for the
left button is made by linking columns 1 or 2. (1 =CH1 2=CH3) Channel
selection for the right button is made by linking columns 3, 4 or 5 (3=CH2
4=CH3 5=CH4)
SITE CODE METHOD. The sixth column of a two channel transmitter is for
programming. Jumper links must be set in column 1 & 3 during programming.
Four channel transmitters only have the programming jumper column. Its link
is stored on one pin only. To start programming, place the jumper across
both pins. Press buttons 1 & 2 to enter the site code, using left for '0',
and right for '1'. The transmitter beeps each press of a button, and twice
at the end of the sequence of ten presses. Remove the programming link
immediately and store. To order new CAME transmitters
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